• I have had schettino.us hosted at Servermania for 9 years…. it was a good run, but at the end of November 2024 the VPS went offline. They tried to recover the hosting node, but in the end they declared the node dead, and all data lost.

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  • It was fun (sometimes) and it was work (sometimes) and it was play (sometimes) but the absolute best part is… it’s over!

    I remember (vaguely) back in highschool, 1979, taking Computer Math as an elective. I lasted two days in class, read the entire BASIC book in a week, and was promoted to just going to the lab instead of class. I was coding a space war game on a Commodore PET – I think I may still have the paper tape it is stored on. From that fall on I knew I would be able to actually have a job/career doing something I enjoyed. Very exciting time!

    My first year of college I was already working part time for a local consulting firm doing some fortran coding. I was introduced to CP/M, and dBaseII, and WordStar, and other amazing things, and pretty much learned more working there for a year than I would in three years in the CS program at UMD.

    Went on to get a Masters in CS, and a Software Engineering specialization at George Mason – there I did learn quite a bit, sadly mostly unused in real life. Software engineering isn’t / wasn’t done much in the real world, but the skills did translate. I was able to work in R&D for about 25 years – an excellent if not lucrative area. In the late 90s through early 2000s it became important to pivot to private sector work because tech is definitely tricky to age in (ie, over 40, over 50, over 60) , so I started the transition to what ended up the end game – engineering management, in the SRE/Production Engineering side of things.

    It was very energizing managing early career engineers, and working in the cutting edge spaces at Microsoft and later Facebook/Meta. Most of what I knew translated into the latest languages, OSes, buzz words, etc.

    Now that I’m out (actually nearly two years ago now) I’m really enjoying doing what I want (within reason!) when I want (within reason.)

  • Who this is for:

    Tesla Solar owners with Powerwalls, with the Powerwall on your local network on a known IP address (ie reserved IP via dhcp), and your munin software also running on your local network

    Get Open Weather Map API key (for cloud cover)

    Get a free api key if you want to include cloud cover Pct in the graph here 

    Install Powerwall2PVOutput

    See https://github.com/ekul135/Powerwall2PVOutput for install details. You’ll need to copy the code to your Munin plugin directory (/usr/share/munin/plugins) and edit PW_Config.py to have your local powerwall user, password, and local IP address.  See this page for info.

    Munin Plugin code:
    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import time
    import sys
    import datetime
    import requests, json
    import PW_Helper as hlp
    import PW_Config as cfg
    ssn = None
    if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
      print('''graph_title Solar performance
    graph_args -u 4000 -l -4000 -r --allow-shrink --right-axis-label 'battery/clouds pct' --right-axis 0.025:0
    graph_vlabel kW
    graph_category tesla
    graph_info Solar, grid loads & battery %
    batterypercent.label Battery Pct
    batterypercent.info Battery charge in percent
    batterypercent.colour 000000
    batterypercent.draw LINE1
    clouds.label Clouds Pct
    clouds.info Cloud cover percent
    clouds.colour 808080
    clouds.draw LINE1
    solar.label Panels
    solar.info kW from panels
    solar.colour ffa200
    solar.draw AREA
    houseload.label House
    houseload.info kW to House
    houseload.colour 00ffff
    houseload.draw AREA
    batterypower.label Battery
    batterypower.info kW from/to battery (negative charging)
    batterypower.colour 00ff00
    batterypower.draw AREA
    gridpower.label Grid
    gridpower.info kW from/to grid (negative export)
    gridpower.colour ff0000
    gridpower.draw AREA
    sbatterypercent.label scaled battery
    sbatterypercent.colour 000000
    sbatterypercent.draw LINE1
    sbatterypercent.cdef batterypercent,40,*
    sclouds.label scaled clouds
    sclouds.colour 808080
    sclouds.draw LINE1
    sclouds.cdef clouds,40,*
      url = requests.get("https://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?units=imperial&lat=YOUR LAT&lon=-YOU LON&appid=YOUR APP ID")
      text = url.text
      weatherdata = json.loads(text)
      clouds = weatherdata['clouds']['all']
      ssn = hlp.getSession(cfg.PowerwallIP, cfg.PowerwallEmail, cfg.PowerwallPassword)
      pw=hlp.getPowerwallData(cfg.PowerwallIP, ssn)
      soc=hlp.getPowerwallSOCData(cfg.PowerwallIP, ssn)
      if (pw!=False and soc!=False):
        print('solar.value', float(pw['solar']['instant_power']))
        print('houseload.value', float(pw['load']['instant_power']))
        print('batterypower.value', float(pw['battery']['instant_power']))
        print('gridpower.value', float(pw['site']['instant_power']))
        print('batterypercent.value', float(soc['percentage']))
        print('clouds.value', float(clouds))
      except Exception as e:
        print('exception', e)
        print('solar.value', '0.0')
        print('houseload.value', '0.0')
        print('batterypower.value', '0.0')
        print('gridpower.value', '0.0')
        print('batterypercent.value', '0.0')
        print('clouds.value', clouds)

    If all goes well, you’ll get fun graphs to watch, like these:

  • If you happen to have
    • A Hyundai Ioniq 5 (or, Kia EV6, change brand below to “kia”)
    • An active Bluelink subscription
    • Munin monitoring set up somewhere
    • A need to monitor everything
    • Then this post is for you!

    This is a bit hacky, apologies for not making it better


    Install bluelinky & configure it for your Bluelink & Car info on the box where you run munin

    Create script to pull data points using bluelinky – this is the hacky bit. You can poll bluelink some number of times a day – the rate limits are not entirely clear. I’m pulling the cached values, so we’re not waking the car up each time and draining the 12v battery, which also means the data could be stale. Manually refresh via the mybluelink app…

    Cron job script: /usr/local/etc/ioniq5.js (change the setting values below to match your info)

    const BlueLinky = require("bluelinky");

    const client = new BlueLinky({
    username: "YOUR USERNAME",
    password: "YOUR PASSWORD",
    pin: "YOUR PIN",
    brand: "hyundai",
    vin: "YOUR VIN",
    region: 'US', // 'US', 'EU', 'CA'

    // called when the client logs in successfully
    client.on("ready", async () => {
    const vehicle = client.getVehicle(vin);
    const response = await vehicle.status();
    console.log('{"soc": %d, "tvolt": %d}', response.evStatus.batteryStatus, response.battery.batSoc);

    Add to your root crontab

    */10 * * * * node /usr/local/etc/ioniq5.js > /usr/local/etc/ioniq5.json

    This polls the cached values 144 times a day – seems to be ok for rate limits at least in the US

    The Munin plugin to consume and graph this data – /usr/share/munin/plugins/ioniq5 (and you need to install bluelinky in that folder as well for the cron script above to work correctly.)

    #!/usr/bin/env python3
    import sys
    import os
    import requests, json
    import subprocess
    if (len(sys.argv) > 1):
      print('''graph_title EV SOC
    graph_args -u 100 -l 0
    graph_vlabel battery pct
    graph_category Ioniq5
    graph_info Current SOC for EV
    batt.label State Of Charge
    batt.info SOC in percent
    batt.draw LINE1
    tvolt.info soc
    tvolt.label 12V
    tvolt.info SOC in percent
    tvolt.draw LINE1
      f = open('/usr/local/etc/siva.json')
      result = json.load(f)
      # parse & print
      print('batt.value', float(result['soc']))
      print('tvolt.value', float(result['tvolt']))
    except Exception as e:
      print('exception', e)
      print('batterypercent.value', '0.0')

    Symlink that to /etc/munin/plugins/ioniq5 and restart munin services, and you should get graphs like this

  • Yeah, Facebook is a fun place to work

    A brief note: (1) still alive and (2) working at Facebook is kinda fun, kinda nuts and (3) upgrading Ubuntu to 16.4 LTS in a VPS isn’t a great idea.